` comments in backticks ` ` preprocessor directives ` #INCLUDE.'math', 'm'; ` bring the math library into scope, under the namespace 'm' ` #INCLUDE.'io', ''; ` bring the io library into global scope (with no namespace) ` str:hello = 'hello, '; ` variables must be given a value at declaration ` int:PI = math/PI; ` namespaces are accessed with a '/'' ` void:greeting. str:to = { ` functions declared the same way as variables, but with a . after the name, followed by arguments ` str:message = strcat.hello, to; ` function application is right-associative ` stdo.message; ` since 'io' was brought into global scope, we do not prefix it with a namespace/ ` } int:sum_all. any[]:_ = { ` variadic functions are possible with the reserved '_' argument, which is treated as an array ` return.foldl.sum, 0, _; } int:fibonacci. int:n = { if.(eq.n, 0), { return.1; }, { return.sum. (fibonacci.(sub.n, 1)), (fibonacci.(sub.n, 2)); } } int:main. str[]:args = { ` where code will begin executing ` greeting.` comments can be placed *anywhere* `'world.'; return.0; }